Most of our guests in Hungry for Hungary appreciate the local cuisine, the typical Hungarian traditional dishes are pretty flavorous, moreover the home made dishes represent a different dimension, they say. There are a few ingredients which we use in most traditional food like onion, garlic, tomato, paprika, paprika powder, bacon. And there is a dish which you can find in several nation’s kitchen: the ratatouille, shakshuka, or lecsó in Hungary. It is one of our favorite dish, typically in summer, as main ingredients have gorgeous flavour in summer, and we often use it as basic of goulash or chicken paprikash. The best lecsó is cooked open fire, in a kettle, which is also traditional in our country.
Every housewife and chef has their own lecsó recipe, so I can share mine: I start with smoked bacon, I fry it, then add the smoked sausage and the onion. Next step is the sliced white paprika and tomato, the quantity of paprika is always the double then tomato. Some red paprika powder, salt and pepper, and frankfurter at the end. We divide the quantity at home, as half of the family eats it with egg, the other part without. And of course the fresh home made sourdough bread is mandatory. Jó étvágyat!