The story has started in beginning of 2023, when I was invited to a sourdough bread making workshop to a professional baker. On that day I bacame really addicted to bread baking and baked cca 80-100 breads since that time. In the beginning they were like discus, both the shape and the consistence, but I didn’t give up! After half a year testing my breads became more and more stunning, and I got several appreciation from my family and friends. And now, after one and half year experience in making sourdough bread my friends asked me to hold a workshop for them.
As pure sourdough bread needs one whole day to get ready, we have chosen a 3 days long weekend for the workshop. My students were pretty ardent and we made the whole procedure together from feeding the sourdough through kneading and leavening till baking. Well, the result was fantastic, and some of my students became addictive as me. Your own bread is a completely different dimension, you can not imagine, how you could eat and value the average industry breads before. I extremely enjoy the whole procedure: the feeling of consistence of quality flour and dough, the kneading which I always make with my hand, the leaving when the dough come alive and the baking when you can get the final result: a beautiful, red-brown, crispy and soft, healthy bread. I’m pretty greatful for this knowledge and experience which I can harness in Hungry for Hungary, as since my first perfect bread my guests get only traditional, home made, pure sourdough bread.